Your first priority is safety. Know where emergency exits and fire extinguishers are.
Have backup equipment and backup plan(s) in case of failure.
Keep room lights at maximum intensity unless slides and/or video projection are being used.
If room lights are down, put a soft light on presenter.
Schedule breaks during program.
Tape door latches to prevent them from making loud noises.
Use semi-circular seating if possible.
Provide hardback writing surface if needed.
Locate your presentation area as close as you can to front row.
If seats can't move YOU MOVE!
Without screen, set to long side of the room.
With screen, set to short side of the room.
Avoid long narrow rooms (switch rooms if possible).
Avoid placing chairs next to walls.
Cut aisles behind poles.
Set aisles bigger as they get nearer exits.
Seat for least distraction audience members should not have to cross more than six others to get to a seat.
Force audience to front with reserved signs or put out less chairs than the expected attendance. Stack additional chairs in back corner of room so they are handy if needed.
Arrange for a good sound system. Thoroughly check sound system BEFORE program.
Check climate. Locate climate controls or know who to call.
Make sure water and glasses are available.
Locate restrooms, phones, snack bars, elevators or stairs, and business center.
Make sure there are signs posted to direct participants to your room.
Personalize this checklist for your presentations.